Tuesday, April 28, 2015

TPR airs week-long programs on School Finance Equity in Texas #EdBlogNet @idraedu

How Parents Search for Opportunities for their Kids with Mixed Results | KHUF radio story http://budurl.com/KHUFsf2 #txed #txlege @IDRAedu

KHUF radio story on Demetrio Rodríguez & his fight for equity in ed funding http://budurl.com/KHUFsf1 #txed #txlege @IDRAedu

Albert Cortez in KHUF radio story on Demetrio Rodríguez’s fight for equity in ed funding http://budurl.com/KHUFsf1 #txed #txlege @IDRAedu

Learn How Texas Funds Public Schools In 7 Easy Steps, by KHUF http://budurl.com/KHUFsf7stps #txed #txlege

Explore School Funding by District, by KHUF http://budurl.com/KHUFsfDB #txed #txlege

50 Most Memorable Quotes in School Finance http://budurl.com/IDRA50list #txed #txlege @IDRAedu


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