Sunday, March 8, 2015

Joey Cardenas - Join me in Austin to fight for Immigrants Rights! #EdBlogNet @idraedu
Joey Cardenas
Friends,As the bill filing deadline of March 15th is fast approaching, we begin to see the ugliness in theTexas Legislative session through anti-Latino bills like this one. Of course there others that weare dealing with, but this one is a litmus test on the resolve of the Latino legislative leadershipin Austin as well as that of our coalition of Latino organizations. This bill literally sprang up onFriday and will be heard in a sub-committee on Monday as a priority issue. Please do allpossible to voice your sentiment against this bad bill that will ultimately lead to racial profilingand an ask for papers mentality from law-enforcement. -joey cardenas iiiFrom: To: Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 03:29:21 +1100Subject: Join me in Austin to fight for Immigrants Rights!
Republicans have filed
“Sanctuary City” bill! We were able to
defeat it in 2011, join me in Austin Monday and fight against Senate Bill185!Find your Senator and call their office Monday asking them to vote NO onSB 185! In 2011, the Texas Legislature was blocked from passing anti-sanctuarylegislation using the 2/3's rule. Now,
it's back
and it's front of the BorderSecurity Subcommittee
this Monday.
 In 2011 the bill was opposed by lawenforcement, business groups, faith based groups, education advocates,civil rights and immigration law experts, help us defeat it again!For any questions or how to testify at the committee hearing, contact Luis
Figueroa at

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