Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bilingual Parent Institute - Tomorrow Friday, Apr. 29 - Watch the Live Stream 9:00 .a.m. CST

Watch the Live Stream – Bilingual Parent Institute Friday

The event will be livestreamed by NowCastSA at beginning at 9:00 a.m. CST.

Family Leadership for Student Success ~ Liderazgo familiar en pro del éxito estudiantil

This Friday, April 29, 2016, the Annual IDRA La Semana del Niño Parent Institute will be held in San Antonio with more than 250 parents, educators, and community leaders.

This popular annual institute gives families, school district personnel and community groups from across the country the opportunity to network, obtain resources and information, and receive training and bilingual materials on IDRA’s nationally-recognized research-based model for parent leadership in education. This institute is interactive and participatory.

All presentations are bilingual (English-Spanish).

The event will be livestreamed by NowCastSA at beginning at 9:00 a.m. CST.

Host a watch party and join the discussion. Send in questions for the presenters.

You can also follow us on Facebook at or on Twitter at our address @IDRSAedu or using the hashtag #AllMeansAll. 

More information and links to slideshows and resources will be posted here throughout the day:

We look forward to having you join us and others!      

9:00     Kick-off opening

9:30     Biliteracy Pre-k through 12 in Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD
Students and parents present on the benefits and successes of being fully proficient in Spanish and in English when you graduate from high school.

10:30   Comunitario PTA
The Comunitario PTA model is an innovative approach to school-family-community collaboration. A Comunitario PTA is a parent group that is based in a community-based organization, rather than in a single school. And their sole purpose is to collaborate with schools to improve the success of students.

11:30   Mesa Comunitaria ~ Family Leadership Projects
The PTA Comunitarios and other organizations in the lower Rio Grande Valley surveyed more than 1,600 parents about Texas’ new graduation requirements, reported on it and are now conducting new activities to inform the community and to work with their schools to ensure children are on the path to college.

12:30   Full group back together

1:30     End