Saturday, August 9, 2008

Excellent Public Schools for ALL Children

Announcing the start-up of a new Google group that is also a LinkedIn connection:
Excellent Public Schools for ALL Children

The purpose of the site is to create a network of advocates for children to have the best possible neighborhood public schools - especially for families that are poor, of color, English learners and/or recent immigrants.

The welcome message at the site:

Bienvenidos and welcome. If you are here, it is because you have a magnificent vision about what our children deserve and are capable of. You believe and act upon the belief that all children merit the best possible schools.
We are advocates for our public schools as the sites where democracy has a chance to be nurtured and developed. If we cull and separate the beautiful mix of students coming to our schools, we fertilize the seeds of elitism, classism and racism. Challenged as many of our public schools are, and tempting as other choices might be for some, we must create and support the public will to put the resources into our public school system to have world class classes and schools. We must have schools of excellence in every neighborhood, inner city and rural town rather than dangle a few choice exceptions to the many puzzled and beleaguered poor families.

If you are interested in participating, let us know. Membership is carefully screened for anti-public school fleas.

The google site address is:
My gmail address:
Send me a note if you are interested, and especially if you are already an activist/advocate.

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